
One of seven industry legends: the first four volumes of the moon split back Siren 13

to see the results of the analysis of blood from the heart of ghosts and demons Yunyang Daunkingu Lu, what this means, they know why there is still time Why do not understand the war? It is also not hidden, this something ------

Side, his brown eyes suddenly surprised revealed traces of Lu Yun pulls the sleeve of fear whispered: "Look at the simple, the stone, it will be issued a green light on why what he is like sculpture, which also suddenly, energy is supplied, why this? "

Lou Yun, homeopathy, suddenly surprised that his face was gathered. Impressed with this idea flashes, rapid access to God and explore more than 20 million, the idea of fast wave speed of each frequency, the scene appeared in his mind, the house of stone behind the projector.

This is a wonderful husband Regiment green ball of light, should be able to talk about the importance of light can be issued

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